Harvesting the loofah’s

I have started picking a few of the loofah. They are starting to dry.

Loofah's drying on the vine 8-11-2011

I was able to pick the two in the above photo a few days later and peel them.

Starting to peel the first loofah 8-13-2011

The dry skin came off very easily. Like peeling a perfect hard boiled egg.

Lots of seeds

These are the seeds from this loofah.

Loofah 2011

These loofah are very soft and amazing. I am thrilled to succeeded at something in the garden from the spring planting.

Sincerely, Emily

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21 Responses to Harvesting the loofah’s

  1. Jane says:

    Now that is super cool! I wonder if they would grow up here? I think that is so neat…..and clean 😉

    • Hi Jane! These loofah’s really make me smile. I am missing them. Everyday I would walk the fence to see how they were doing. I will be home in a few days and I will rush out there to check on them. I imagine they would grow for you. They like heat but they also need tons of water. Sincee are in a drought, they are enjoying my collected rain water (gone now!, thank goodness I can start harvesting them). I planted them in April and am harvesting them in August so right around 120 +/- days. Neat and clean! ha

  2. banbamama says:

    That IS amazing. I had no idea loofahs came from gourds!!! You have been a busy bee on your blog. Sorry I haven’t commented, I was away for much of August. Loved your alphabet posts 🙂

    • They are so neat! I am happy to have something to harvest this year even if I am not eating it! I keep checking back on your blog – looking at the lovely onion still drying away. I have been away for two weeks and will be home soon to catch up on blog reading.

  3. zonnah says:

    It is so amazing to me how these grow and then make loofahs!

  4. redfootgirl says:

    Hey Emily, the loofah gourds look great! I will try these next spring. I have a gourd patch I am just beginning to harvest. Maybe 100 or more. They are a blast to grow! What are you doing with all the bamboo? Red

    • Hi Red, thanks for stopping by. I have a few more loofah’s to peel and there are still a few green ones on the vines. 18 in all on 4 vines. I am not sure that is a great harvest, but it is great for me. I will plant them again in the spring. I have some other gourds growing on the same fence. They have matured and I leave them on the vine to dry and cure. I started doing some gourd art about 6-7 years ago. Hoping to be able to grow my own at this point. Will plant more again in the spring. That is exciting for you to have 100 gourds in your patch. The bamboo – I have been thinking and thinking about what to do with it. Trellises or teepee’s for things to climb I think. Right now they are all laying on two saw horses providing some shade and long grass for the cats. Dead grass now, but it was green at one point.

  5. I haven’t tried growing these yet. With your great pictures, now I have too! Thanks for sharing!

  6. mirandasoap says:

    Any chance i could get one of those loofahs? I’ve wanted to try pouring my soap into the loofah for a ‘special blend’ – i’d be happy to trade a bar or two in trade for a loofah or two!!

    • Hi Miranda. I don’t think I have any left! I have ground some up to use in the soaps that I make and some I have used at the kitchen sink (scrubbies). I also gave a few to the neighbor who gave me the seeds. I have a decision to make this year – grow all loofah’s or still grow hard shell gourds and some loofah’s. I definitely didn’t grow enough to make it through the year if I use them in the kitchen. If I find any lurking around I will let you know. Do you think they would grow in your climate? They link HOT and need water and they take a long time to grow (130-220 days)

      I did a few loofah posts – this one has more of the growing info:

      Loofah’s (or luffa): Blooming and Growing

      • mirandasoap says:

        I planned on growing htem in Austin – but i doubt they’ll do well here, unless i grow them in a hoop house or something… and using up hoophouse space on loofahs seems silly. we grew lots of gourds at our austin place, and love them. we’ll probably try again, just to see.

    • allisan says:

      Miranda, It Is Allisan, Mandy’s Neighbor! Small world here on the net. I was researching Loofa’s and came across this space. I enjoyed growing loofa’s so much this year. The flowers are bright yellow and flouncy. I can send you some loofa’s to pour soap into, seeds too…… They make the best pot and bath tub cleaners. I am convinced there is no need for synthetic sponges, only loofa. Emily, thanks for having me on your space place, I am going to check out some other posts.

  7. dixiebelle says:

    Oh, hey, I grew loofahs a couple of seasons back. For those not sure if you can grow them in your area, well, they are supposed to be a ‘tropical’ vine but we are in a Cool-Mountain climate (in Australia). I gave them a head start in our mini greenhouse, they did transplant OK, and while the vine may not have gotten as big, or as many loofahs as in a hotter area, they did pretty well. http://eatatdixiebelles.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/growing-processing-loofahs.html

    • Hi Dixiebelle – Thanks for stopping by and including a link to your loofah growing experience. I am glad to know how successful you were with starting them inside and getting some great growth on them. I hope others can read about your experience and know they can grow them too by starting them indoors. Thanks.

  8. Congratulations & I am super jealous, I’ve tried for the past two years to grow some loofah, and failed both times. Maybe next year will be the third time’s a charm type of luck. Here’s hoping! Any loofah-specific tips?

    • Hi Corinne, thanks for stopping by. Last year my loofah’s were wonderful and prolific. This year I didn’t have any luck at all. The bugs ate my plants as soon as they sprouted. Next year I will start the seeds in small pots and get them going then transplant them. You didn’t mention what your trouble is. Are you having a hard time getting the plant to grow and vine or do you have great vines and flowers but no loofah growing?

  9. Joanna says:

    Loofahs! I have never seen those growing anywhere, so exciting! Wow! I don’t think they would grow here – that is such fun 🙂

  10. Yang says:

    Hi Emily!
    I really enjoyed reading your posts on growing luffa gourds and I was wondering if you had any seeds from your harvests still left over for trade? I really like the type of gourd you ended up with (size wise). I have many seeds I could trade you for them 😉


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