Saving Seeds: Okra

My neighbor (where I grew the zucchini this past fall) grows okra every summer. They eat most of it, share some of it and always save a bunch of seeds to use to plant next years crops and share.

Okra seeds 1

I started growing some of his okra in my herb gardens this year because I like the flowers. The deer agreed with me, they like the flowers (and the leaves) too, so I had very few flowers to see and no okra at all from my plants.

That doesn’t mean I won’t try again, although I will plant some inside the garden fence so I have a better chance of seeing the flowers and have something to harvest.

I also think I will try a different variety after reading a comment from Clara  over at Beadcharmer Designs. She mentioned how her mother pickles her okra. The one I grow is rather squat and fat, and Clara commented that the more slender varieties pickle better…. I’m game to try it. I have several bags of okra frozen, but I would still like to work towards finding other ways to preserve things. I don’t know if I will like pickled okra, but it is worth making a couple of pints to find out.

Okra seeds 2

As I was paging through the newest Seed Savers catalog, I plotted an okra that is the most similar to the one from my neighbors. Star of David (aka Old Fashioned Okra.) As I was looking at the other okra in their catalog, I spotted one called Hill Country Red….. what! I live in the Hill Country, and after reading its description and seeing that is is a South Texas heirloom, I am going to give it a try. It also says it is good for picking… yippee.

I better get my seeds ordered because Spring in our area will be here before we know it.

Do you grow okra?

Sincerely, Emily

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4 Responses to Saving Seeds: Okra

  1. Nancy Davis says:

    Nope! Don’t grow okra and no interest too! lol Nancy

  2. narf77 says:

    I tentitively clicked “like” as I, like Nancy have only bad memories of my past (brief) dealings with okra and all things snotty. I love the flowers and the fact that it grows so easily. I might grow some next year and feed the pods to the duck. She LOVES slugs… 😉

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