Visit to Boggy Creek Farm in Austin, TX

As part of the Dark Days Challenge I realized I needed to step out of my box (and the garden out in our backyard) and serious check out some of the local resources in my area. Two weeks ago I went to visit a friend in Austin, TX. I specifically went on a Wednesday because I wanted to visit Boggy Creek Farm and check out what they were all about.

Boggy Creek Farm is located 76 miles from me, but just a few miles outside of downtown Austin. Seriously, you are driving amongst the businesses and houses in downtown Austin, TX and BAM there it is, a farm in the midst of it all.

We arrived a little late and the produce tables where pretty empty, but as we walked round more things were piled onto the tables. More kale, lettuce, turnips, and broccoli.

I had kimchi in mind when I was there and when we first walked up to the tables I saw two lone, beautiful cabbages and I grabbed them! Mine! Kimchi!  Even though I have turnips growing in my gardens, I couldn’t resist buying some of their turnips also. They were beautiful.  I also bought a bunch of radishes (kimchi!) and some sweet potatoes and butternut squash.

They have a nice variety of fresh and frozen meats available, all local to the Austin area. I bought a chicken from HausBar Farm (link below). It is still in the freezer waiting for the right inspiration. We are eating a lot of pork and beef lately, and I have been craving chicken! I can envision a few meals coming from the chicken, including soup.

We wandered out back, behind the produce tables, and watched the chicken go about their antics. They were beautiful birds. We slowly walked along the edge of beautifully growing broccoli, chard, cauliflower and a variety of other things. You can see farm photos here and here from their website.

It was a great place to visit, opening up the door to more local resource for me. I know I will go back.

Here are a few of the farms they represent:

Sincerely, Emily

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10 Responses to Visit to Boggy Creek Farm in Austin, TX

  1. Dani says:

    Now that is a veggie patch to aspire too 🙂

  2. Victoria says:

    Beautiful. How’s that kimchi?!

    • Right now it is going to have to sit there and look beautiful. I have a nasty cold and can’t smell or taste a thing. It will just have to sit there on the counter and ferment a bit more until I can actually taste it.

  3. Susan says:

    Fun day. That’s quite a farm. Very cool that it’s just outside Austin. I’m guessing some of those butternut squashes are going into your one pot meal 🙂

    • Ding Ding Ding! You have guessed correctly! Butternut Squash will be making an appearance for my one pot meal! Probably going to work on it today. Boggy Creek Farm is literally in downtown Austin. It is a neat place.

  4. Jes says:

    Boggy Creek Farm looks incredible! The beets & sweet potatoes are so gorgeous, plus all those rows of greens. What a great resource!

    • Hi Jes – I really smiled when I saw everything. I am so stuck in my ways of eating out of the garden that I have missed some gems out there. I will hit up a more local market in San Antonio either this weekend or next, but would love to find a farms stand like that near me. It was so fun to actually see the stuff growing and talk with everyone. I will go back

  5. Pingback: Dark Days Challenge Week 8 EAST Recapper Meals:Soup/One-Pot Meal Challenge « Not Dabbling In Normal

  6. Pingback: Dark Days Meal Week 9: Meatloaf with Mashed Turnips | Sincerely, Emily

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